What Are You Grateful For?

We are officially one month into self-isolation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, but who’s counting?!  It’s a dreary day here in Nova Scotia; a typical spring day in our province.  We should acknowledge that yesterday was the nicest so far in 2020!  A win in our books – no wind and plenty of sunshine! In light of the situation at hand, we have decided to each share a few of the reasons we are grateful. I challenge you to write your own reasons down on paper, type them on your computer, or say them out loud - your mind will thank you!


What are you grateful for?

I am grateful for my health, and the health of my husband, my family, and our dog.  For the roof over my head, for our backyard and for our ability to buy healthy foods (with a side of sweet treats of course).  For the extra time to focus on me, and to connect with my friends across the country!   


I am beyond grateful for the health and well being of my family and friends, that we still have access to fresh fruits and vegetables, projects to keep me busy, coffee dates with my family and that I am Canadian!



I am grateful for this time to focus on myself.  Grateful to have time to do tasks that I have been putting off, and grateful to be able to spend time outside, whether going for a walk or a run!



I am grateful for extra time to connect with friends and family, to try new recipes.  I am grateful for a safe space during this quarantine and an abundance of shows/movies to make me laugh!


I’m grateful for the good health of those I love, a safe place to call home, our medical professionals, the retail workers and all of the support people requited to keep essential business running for us, extra time for self care, leisurely strolls around my neighbourhood appreciating the sunshine, fresh air and the things I hadn’t noticed before!  I am grateful for our patients who have supported our small business for many years!  I miss all of you and can’t wait to see you again when things are safe!



 I am grateful for the time to explore options for buying locally from farmers and small businesses, for my roommates and my cat (who we are driving crazy :) ) and of course to have so much time to take better care of my body with great food and MacDonald Bridge walks!


