Is Chiropractic Safe?

Like anything that is unknown or new to us, chiropractic care can be intimidating to those who haven’t experienced it before. But what if I told you it doesn’t have to be… and it’s safe? 

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Firstly, I praise you for doing your own research and asking your own questions. It’s completely normal to have questions and concerns, especially when it comes to your own health or the health of your loved ones. 

What is a Chiropractor?

Chiropractors are spine, muscle and nervous system experts. They are specifically trained to diagnose the underlying cause of your complaint and recommend treatment options that will aid in pain relief, restore mobility and prevent reoccurrence, without the use of surgery or pharmaceuticals.

Chiropractors put an emphasis on manual treatments including spinal and extremity adjustments. An adjustment, or manipulation, is a quick, small thrust to the spine or another part of the body intended to provide immediate pain relief and improve mobility. This is when you will typically here a “crack”, or a “pop”. Some people think that your bone is cracking, but it really is just pressure of gas being released from the joint. This release of pressure allows the joint to move more optimally!

Not interested in an adjustment? No problem!

Some people don’t like the sound, which is totally OK! Chiropractors utilize several other techniques, such as mobilizations, which are slower, more passive movements that help regain movement in stiff joints. They also use various soft tissue techniques to help decrease tension in muscles. Education and rehabilitative exercises are typically key parts of a treatment plan as well! Both Chiropractors at Basin View Chiropractic also perform Acupuncture. The moral of the story here is that there is always an alternative treatment option, so please feel free to discuss all options with your chiropractor.

So coming back to our question, is it safe? Any therapeutic treatment, whether it be medication or manual therapy always comes with a potential risk; this does not mean its unsafe. Chiropractors, just like medical doctors, take the same approach when prescribing treatment; they use a risk-benefit assessment. Health care professionals assess how much benefit a certain treatment or medication has compared to its potential risk. Chiropractors use this tool when recommending spinal manipulation; they determine this using the intake forms patients fill out and thorough the patient’s history and physical exam.  

On your first visit, your chiropractor will review a consent form with you that lists the possible adverse reactions to treatment. Some reactions like headaches, stiffness, sprains and strains may last less than 24 hours. It is important to ask any questions you may have at this time; there is no such thing as a silly question!

So…is it safe?

The answer is YES! Chiropractic treatment is a safe option for the prevention, assessment, diagnosis and management of musculoskeletal conditions and associated neurological system. Chiropractors have more than 4,200 hours of competency training to help you assess the safety of it, but in the end, the decision is in your hands to decide if you want to obtain treatment by a chiropractor.

Dr. Kristin Ling